
Banking, Financial Service and Insurance

The global financial sector has strongly withstood the economic downturn of 2008 As one of the few sectors to rapidly adopt technology as a tool for growth, Asia remains a front runner to progress. In India the RBI's (Reserve Bank of India's) recent decision on CAR (Cash Adequacy Ratio) is driving more liquidity into the market, facilitating great development and growth in the Indian BFSI sector.

To stay ahead of the curve in such a high-growth environment, you need a reliable and trusted technology partner with the experience, network and resources to complement your capabilities and truly serve as an extension of your internal teams.

A Trusted Growth Partner

3G Network Solutions empowers you with the technology capabilities and competencies required to keep pace with your rapidly-changing business needs, dynamic regulatory changes and evolving technology infrastructure. 3G Network Solutionsenables you to effectively plan for short-term as well as for long-term strategic initiatives. We help streamline your processes, achieve greater predictability and consistency in operations, control costs and gain deeper insights into the strategic value of your closely-aligned outsourcing capabilities by partnering with 3G Network Solutions

Key Highlights

With several decades of experience in delivering solutions for the BFSI (Banking, Financial Services and Insurance) industry, 3G Network Solutions understands and takes care of your end-to-end technology requirements beginning from inception to deployment and support of the final solution. 3G Network Solutions deep domain knowledge, process-driven methodology, sound technology base and experience enable us to rapidly deliver custom solutions aligned to your business needs.

Services and Delivery Model

At 3G Network Solutionswe have a long history of creating applications that directly address various industry pain-points.3G Network Solutionsfollows a collaborative solutions development methodology for clients. This systematic, procedural approach ensures that we follow project-management best practices in a regulated environment.

Our application development, managed both in-house and in collaboration with trusted partners, follows a consistent and process-driven approach that includes:

  • Business Planning - includes program and project management, strategy development, solution selection, technology evaluation and rollout planning.
  • Dedicated Design Facility - 3G Network Solutionsprovides exclusive and dedicated onshore facilities for custom design and deployment of products or software modules.
  • Systems Development and Integration - includes requirements analysis, modeling and prototyping, architecture development and design, system implementation, testing, validation, integration and technology/data migration
  • Operations Support - includes application maintenance/enhancements, application/end-user support, electronic submissions/publication support, data analysis/management.

The Indian education system is the third largest in the world, after US and China. It was not long back when a typical classroom was characterized by students sitting through hour-long teacher monologues. But the world is changing - it is getting both smaller and bigger at the same time. Our world shrinks as technologies now, allow us to communicate both synchronously and asynchronously with peers around the world. Conversely, the explosion of information now available to us expands our view of the world. As a result of the ability to communicate globally and the information explosion, education too is significantly changing. Now, technology is making life easier for both students and educators. Schools are increasingly adopting digital teaching solutions to engage with a generation of pupils and trying to make the classroom environment more inclusive and participatory.

3G Network Solutionsis a pioneer in collaborating and customizing technologies for education vertical. Today our solution portfolio is establishing technology as a strategic resource for faculty, staff & students which is imperative for education institutions to succeed. With an abundance of education technology solutions available, the opportunities to improve efficiency and effectiveness are endless.Our clients leverage a comprehensive, customized technology portfolio to help define a clear strategy for achieving business objectives while implementing the right education technology solutions. In addition, we assess the current environment and determine how future technology solutions will impact client institutions.

Why 3G Network Solutions?

3G Network Solutionsempowers your institution to become a pioneer in providing world class education. It infuses the modernity in education systems thus creating a system to help teachers, students, administration and the entire staff. The solutions help teachers to be more effective and improve the quality of the education and relevance of classroom instructions, enabling you to make quantifiable and measurable progress towards improving efficiency.

Government, PSUs and Defence

Today more than ever, governments see the necessity to optimize and make efficient their various programs and their underlying ICT deployments which act as business support systems to these programs.

The most pressing requirements. put forth by governments of any developing economy are to:

  • Generate measurable results from various programs.
  • Ensure programmatic convergence.
  • Create efficiency of the programs with People, Process and Technology.

With a shift in demand-supply and newer policies and programs being introduced, governments have realized that a meager program rollout is no longer the choice of the day.

The economic downturn and instability combined with the countering pressure to reduce structural deficits have made governments rethink their tax strategy, re-calculate spending and put fiscal policy under much scrutiny.

Accordingly governments today need to assess the programs and projects including their delivery in a much more holistic manner by incorporating various aspects like political impact, economic impact, social impact, technology impact, environment impact, legal impact) that may affect the sustainability of such programs through their entire lifecycle.


Healthcare is one of India’s largest sectors, in terms of revenue and employment and the sector is expanding rapidly. The Indian healthcare industry, which comprises hospitals, medical infrastructure, medical devices, clinical trials, outsourcing, telemedicine, health insurance and medical equipment, is expected to reach US $160 billion by 2017, however India’s healthcare system is in a paradoxical situation - on the one hand, it boasts of ‘best in class’ healthcare delivery attracting medical tourists from across the world, and on the other, it is characterized by a near absence of accessible, affordable quality health services for a large part of its population. Existing infrastructure, especially in smaller towns/rural areas, is inadequate to meet the ever-growing needs of the Indian population. Technology helps in filling this gap.

Technology in the last two decades, has revolutionized the way healthcare is delivered worldwide and in India as well. It has greatly aided patients and, providers alike by enhancing the quality of delivery, reduction in turnaround time of workflows and thus the overall cost, besides bringing in higher accountability into the system. Advancements in medical technology are playing a positive role in saving lives. The influence of medical technology is all pervasive - its positive impact is not only limited to the upper crust of society but has also helped the poor.

WHY 3G Network Solutions

Regulations in healthcare space, emergence of hospital networks, expansion of hospitals, corporatization of providers, growth of health insurance participants & the need for sharing of data between various healthcare participants are driving the demand of rapid technology adoption in the Healthcare industry.

3G Network Solutionsis at the forefront in providing customized, innovative and cost efficient solutions to healthcare providers, to help them improve patient care through enhanced safety and quality of medical care. Our strong alliance with over 70 technology leaders added our business centric approach of providing technology solutions along with technology competence across different OEMs, has enabled us to provide the best of both the worlds to our Healthcare clients.

3G Network SolutionsSolutions for the healthcare industry enables customers to benefit from integrated IT and Communication infrastructure through higher efficiencies and effectiveness. The business applications provide increased patient care and satisfaction, higher operational effectiveness and better patient experience. Our philosophy of ‘Enabling Experience’ across the healthcare ecosystem enables us to address the challenges of providing affordable and accessible healthcare services utilizing IT. Our approach to learning and customizing solutions to meet business priorities of our customers makes us an unique partners.

Travel and Hospitality

The economic downturn gripping the global economy has had a major impact on the hospitality industry. The effects - both negative and positive - look to be long lasting. The cutbacks in both business and leisure travel led to a severe drop in occupancy rates and revenues. This has caused many sectors in the industry to suffer multi-year declines. While the most severe aspects of the downturn may have abated, they are still being felt.

While growth in developed countries like US and western Europe seems to have stagnated, developing economies such as the Middle East, India and China are seeing a huge growth. This growth is fuelled by the GDP growth, and also by the fact that these nations are not hosting major international sporting events like the Olympics and FIFA

Some of the trends emerging in this sector are:

  • Customers are looking for Solution Integrators who can provide end-to-end solutions.
  • Nowadays, whether a guest is visiting an establishment for the first or fifth time, the experience provided is the same. Hotels are unable to capture guest preferences and customize their stay either in the same hotel or across the hotel chain. Guest preferences have also changed - modern guests are now comfortable using touch screen devices and Generation Y is more comfortable with self-service.
  • Multiple and different networks are used for guest internet access and hotel operations. Hotels invest in two different networks every time the guest internet network is outsourced to service providers with a revenue sharing agreement. Guest internet access over Wi-Fi has gained importance and very few hotels nowadays do not provide internet access. The revenue for hotels that do charge for internet access has increased 30 - 35 per centYoY.
  • Revenue from guest telephone usage has dropped significantly. With the increasing usage of mobile phones and internet, the revenue from the hotel telephone system has fallen to 10 per cent of what it was a decade ago.
  • Triple play converged solutions are becoming the trend. Now there are solutions available that allow all services required in a hotel room to be communicated over a fiber pair. These services can include voice, internet, TV and Wi-Fi. The cost of fiber is at par with copper, and fiber provides practically infinite bandwidth. Therefore, such solutions not only reduce the initial CapEx but also reduce maintenance costs as all services are now provided from a single network.
  • Security is very important for all hotels. It is now mandatory for all hotels to have CCTV/IP surveillance and access control solutions in lieu of the increasing threat from terrorists, fire and/or any other calamities that can arise.


The IT/ITeS industry in India has become one of the fastest growing industries and has played a key role in putting India on the global map in the last decade. It has led to the growth of the Indian service sector and contributed substantially to increased GDP, employment and exports in the country.

The IT/ITeS sector has increased its contribution to India's GDP growth from 1.2 percent in FY1998 to 7.1 percent in FY2011. According to NASSCOM, the IT-BPO sector in India aggregated revenues of US$88.1 billion in FY2011, where export and domestic revenue stood at US$59 billion and US$29 billion respectively. In terms of employment generation, direct employment in the IT services and BPO/ITES segment was 2.3 million between 2009 and 2010 and is estimated to have reached nearly 2.5 million by the end of financial year 2010-11.

New trends emerged in 2011, including cloud computing, platform BPO and the emergence of Tier 2 cities as IT/ITeS destinations. These are likely to create new business opportunities and drive changes in traditional service offerings.

Manufacturing, Energy and Utilities

The manufacturing sector has been the bedrock of economic development across the world.It comprises of various sub groups like Automobiles, Oil and Gas, Mining and Metals, Cement, Energy / Utilities, FMCG, Consumer Durables, Engineering, Transport and Logistics, Pharmaceuticals, Textiles and Chemicals. The contribution of the manufacturing sector to the National GDP of developed or developing nations has slowly been declining in relative percentage terms as the services sector grow at much greater speed. Having said that, the sector still remains at the center of all economic activities as it is one of the largest employment generators. We have seen the rise of new economic power - China - based on their focused approach towards developing manufacturing sector.

Enterprise Applications like ERP, SCM and CRM. have become the lifeline of manufacturing organizations. Information technology usage has, in a sense, become a tool for competitive advantage as it imparts more flexibility and nimbleness to organizations who can then effectively respond to market stimuli. 3G Network Solutionssolutions help manufacturing organizations build reliable, efficient and cost effective IT infrastructure (hardware and software) to support all aspects of functional requirements and to meet business objectives.

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